San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress


Balboa Park Hall of Champions
October 21, 1992

  1. President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Lolitia Bache, Cindy Cohagen, Rich Cota, David Dunbar, and Jim Skelly.
  2. The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of August 19.
  3. The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was $11,657.44 while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. Challenge Series awards are still outstanding.
  4. The Board, responding to a request by the National Office, authorized the expenditure of $100 each for registration at the national convention in Louisville KY for Ocky Clark and Ramona Pagel, with the President to determine their eligibility to be Association delegates.
  5. Bernard informed the Board about the availability of investment fund grants from the National Office.
  6. Dunbar discussed the Junior Olympics and Senior Association Cross Country Championships. He will use a schedule in 1993 similar to that for 1992.
  7. Cota inquired as to what TAC can do to support an open Cross Country season. Bernard responded with a description of the Challenge Series. The Board approved (3-2, Skelly, Shirley opposed) a motion by Bache that SDIAC conduct a team championship series, with no individual awards, provided a coordinator can be found. The Board offered Cota the position, but he did not commit.
  8. Cohagen questioned the need to continue the Challenge Series, since it has not met the objective of increasing membership, and no sponsor has been found. The Board approved (4-1, Bernard opposed) Cohagen's motion to discontinue the SDIAC Challenge Series for 1993.
  9. Cohagen presented a letter from Charles DesJardins, National Masters Long-Distance Running Chairman, which encourages races to recognize masters winners in all masters age groups.
  10. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

    Graeme Shirley

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