San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress
Balboa Park Hall of Champions
October 21, 1992
- President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Lolitia Bache, Cindy Cohagen, Rich Cota, David Dunbar, and Jim Skelly.
- The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of August 19.
- The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was $11,657.44 while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. Challenge Series awards are still outstanding.
- The Board, responding to a request by the National Office, authorized the expenditure of $100 each for registration at the national convention in Louisville KY for Ocky Clark and Ramona Pagel, with the President to determine their eligibility to be Association delegates.
- Bernard informed the Board about the availability of investment fund grants from the National Office.
- Dunbar discussed the Junior Olympics and Senior Association Cross Country Championships. He will use a schedule in 1993 similar to that for 1992.
- Cota inquired as to what TAC can do to support an open Cross Country season. Bernard responded with a description of the Challenge Series. The Board approved (3-2, Skelly, Shirley opposed) a motion by Bache that SDIAC conduct a team championship series, with no individual awards, provided a coordinator can be found. The Board offered Cota the position, but he did not commit.
- Cohagen questioned the need to continue the Challenge Series, since it has not met the objective of increasing membership, and no sponsor has been found. The Board approved (4-1, Bernard opposed) Cohagen's motion to discontinue the SDIAC Challenge Series for 1993.
- Cohagen presented a letter from Charles DesJardins, National Masters Long-Distance Running Chairman, which encourages races to recognize masters winners in all masters age groups.
- The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Graeme Shirley
Web Page Created by Graeme Shirley