San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress


Balboa Park Hall of Champions
December 16, 1992

  1. President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Lolitia Bache, Hugh Cobb, Cindy Cohagen, and Bob Sieben.
  2. The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of October 21.
  3. The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was approximately $11,000 while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. $100 went to Ramona Pagel as a National Convention delegate.
  4. Cohagen reported on the Association Cross Country Team Championship Series. There is considerable interest by some of the competing teams in conducting races. Chart House, Movin Shoes, and the San Diego Track Club have offered.
  5. Shirley reported on the convention: The Athletics Congress changed its name to USA Track & Field; a small number of changes were adopted to the Rules of Competition; the Association received the bid for the 25K National Masters Road Championships again.
  6. Cobb reported that the Western Regional Masters Track & Field Championships would be at Cerritos College with Marvin Thompson directing. Cobb would like to see SDIAC conducting Masters Track & Field Association Championships, as well as bringing the Western Regionals here.
  7. Bache reported heavy pressure on the Association to conduct the Regional Junior Olympics Track & Field Championships.
  8. The members elected the following Officers for two-year terms:

    Vice President
    Ken Bernard
    Lolitia Bache
    Tom Feeney
    Graeme Shirley

  9. Cohagen reported that Computers on the Move has offered to process race results for a 1994 Challenge Series.
  10. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

    Graeme Shirley

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