San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress


Balboa Park Hall of Champions
April 16, 1997

  1. President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:46 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Spence Milne and Jim Skelly.
  2. The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of August 21,1996 and February 19, 1997.
  3. The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was $7018.18 while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. The balance included expenses for the Awards Dinner.
  4. The President added two more appointees:

    Men's Long Distance Running
    Ken Bernard
    Lizzie Kemp Salvato

  5. The Board discussed the status of the applications for the 3000m and 5000m American Masters Records by Farley Simon. Neither form was submitted to the National Records Chairman. The whereabouts remain unknown.
  6. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

    Graeme Shirley

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