President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Darcy Ahner, Nelson Alexander, Lolitia Bache, Allan Hodgert, Lillian Mahoney, Jennifer Nanista, Ed Oleata, Patty Oleata, Arnie Robinson, Jim Skelly, Elizabeth Tate, and Chuck Woolsey.
The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of June 21.
The President gave the Treasurer's report. The checking account balance was $4614 as of July, currently about $5500, while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000.
The President discussed the election procedures for the Annual Meeting. The Board unanimously approved Hodgert’s motion that at least two weeks notice be given via postcard of the time, date, and place of the meeting. The Board accepted Alexander’s suggestion that the meeting be held at Farb Middle School at 7 p.m. October 18. The voting procedure will be one member, one vote. Additional information will be posted on the website, and will be referenced in the mailing.
The Board also approved unanimously Hodgert’s motion that the Board act as nominating committee and present a slate of candidates. The first order of business at the annual meeting will be the election. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. This information and the agenda will be in the notice to members.
Nanista described the new track and field facility at SDSU. They have scheduled four home meets including the Mountain West Conference Championships. The nominal seating is for 810 spectators, with 3000 allowed if additional seating is added.
Ahner noted an upcoming meet at UCSD, the San Diego Inner City Games, for which they needed some assistance with volunteers.
The Board discussed the September 16-17 Chuck McMahon Memorial Track & Field Meet, which also serves as the Association Masters Track & Field Championships and the California Senior Games Championships.
The President reported that, in accordance with the Board’s motion at the June meeting, he had sent flowers to Monique Henderson to congratulate her on more than one of her triumphs.
Robinson reported that there were 900 youths at the California State Games. The Youth committee will shortly be holding elections, with voting by club.
Alexander reported on some of the youth winners at the National Championships, including Darius Savage and Monique Henderson.
Tate reported that the youth track & field schedule will begin the first weekend in March.
Mahoney gave a report as records chairman, noting Phil Phelan’s 1.66m M65 world record.
Skelly noted that all officials were being recertified for the next Olympiad. Several recent small track meets had been held at the Olympic Training Center, and the track & field season would end with the September 16-17 meet there.
Hodgert stated that at the June 24 meet 55 new members registered for USATF.
Hodgert also proposed Darcy Ahner to replace Steve Scott as Women’s Track & Field Chairman. No action was taken, chairmen will be appointed at the October Annual Meeting.
In accordance with the motion earlier in the session, the Board nominated the following slate to stand for election.
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Ken Bernard Arnie Robinson Lolitia Bache Graeme Shirley
The Board discussed the selection of delegates to the convention. As established in previous years, priority goes to Officers and Chairmen. The President then adds delegates to meet the representation requirements of the USATF Bylaws and Operating Procedures. The Association pays registration fees.