San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress
Casa del Prado, Balboa Park
August 15, 1984
- President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Kevin Heaton, Jeff Rigdon, and Bill Stock.
- The Board approved the minutes of the meeting of June 15.
- The Chairman gave the Treasurer's report. The balance as of August 1 was $14,736.86, of which $11,000 was in a term account maturing May 13, 1985, and the remainder in the SDIAC checking account. Expenditures included $1169.70 for a new Chronomix and $900 in stipends to athletes participating in the Olympic Trials. Liabilities include $300 in stipend checks which have not yet been cashed.
- The Board held another discussion on videotape recorders. The Chairman formed a committee (Bernard, Heaton, Rigdon, Shirley, Stock) to assist in the decision.
- The Masters Chairman reported that the May 6 International USA-Mexico Spring Festival Marathon was the SDIAC Masters Championship.
- The Masters Chairman also reported that SDIAC had apprehended a Masters division long-distance runner cheating in races, and resolved the problem. The runner has not reappeared in any races since apprehension. The Board unanimously approved repayment of expenses involved in the investigation.
- The Board discussed the possibility of bidding, prior to the August 25 deadline, for the November 24 National Cross-Country Championships (Senior Men's 10K, Senior Women's 5K, Junior Men's 5K, Junior Women's 5K) formerly awarded to Georgetown, Texas. No members expressed interest.
- Rigdon reported on his duties at the Olympics. Four members of SDT&FOA officiated: Dr. Don Brust (Umpire), Henry Manley (Field Event Judge), Bob Reeves (Starter), and Jeff Rigdon (Umpire).
- The meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Graeme Shirley
Web Page Created by Graeme Shirley