San Diego-Imperial Athletics Congress


Balboa Park Hall of Champions
December 14, 1984

  1. President Ken Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. In addition to the President and Secretary, the attendees were Linda Gorman, Tappin Gorman Jr, Henry Manley, Jeff Rigdon, Bill Stock, and Judy Stolpe.
  2. The Secretary certified the voting membership.
  3. The members approved the minutes of the 1983 Annual Meeting, held on February 16, 1984.
  4. The President gave the financial report for Treasurer Tom Feeney. During 1984 there were two types of major outlay: equipment and stipends for athletic training. SDIAC bought a videorecorder which has been used at some recent races and added more race clocks. Sixteen athletes who competed in Olympic Trials received $100 each for training expenses.
  5. The President recapped 1984. Registrations were about even with 1983's total, while race sanction fees, while not totaled, were apparently down.
  6. Women's Chairman Stolpe made special mention of the women who hosted dignitaries during the WIGAN Championships and the TAC/USA convention.
  7. Manley reported on the activities of officials at the Track and Field Olympic Trials and at the Olympics. These were opportunities to favorably compare SDT&FOA with other Associations.
  8. Juniors' Chairman L. Gorman reported on the Juniors program. The membership approved her motion to carry funds allocated for the 1984 Juniors Championship to 1985.
  9. The President gave the Track and Field Report for Chairman Dixon Farmer, noting in particular the great success of the Association Championships.
  10. Manley reported on the efforts of SDT&FOA to certify officials in Imperial County. He has contacted nine high schools and one junior college.
  11. The members approved a motion by Shirley that in 1985 and subsequently, SDIAC strictly enforce Sections 9 and 10 of the Operating Rules of The Athletics Congress for Association Team and Individual Championships.
  12. The members approved a motion by Bernard that official results of the 1984 Cross-Country Championship be changed to reflect the status of individual registrations, as confirmed by computer printout, according to the requirements stated on the entry form.
  13. Manley voiced a concern of Bob Gilmore that Association Record Certifiers are not listed in the TAC Directory.
  14. The membership re-elected Ken Bernard as President in a written ballot, following nomination by Stock. There were no other nominees.
  15. The membership re-elected the slate

    Vice President
    Dixon Farmer
    Tom Feeney
    Graeme Shirley

    in a written ballot, following nomination by Ken Bernard. There were no other nominees.
  16. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

    Graeme Shirley

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