San Diego USATF


2820 Camino del Rio South 130
June 14, 2006

  1. President Graeme Shirley called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. In addition to the President the attendees were Jay Beltz, Philip Dunn, Paul Greer, Jennifer Nanista, and Sharon Powell.
  2. The Board approved the minutes of the May 17 meeting.
  3. Bache provided a written Treasurer's report. The checking account balance is $12,546.61, while the certificates of deposit were another $16,000. Bache said that the decrease from last month was due to expenses for the Junior Olympics meet, and not yet receiving a report and fees from the office.
  4. Nanista reported that the Association Track & Field Championships went well. The San Diego Track Club and Road Runner Sports provided $2,000 and volunteer help. According to Skip Stolley, the USATF online entry system is now available for Association Championships, and will be used next year. This ensures USATF membership for registration.
  5. Greer reported that the Dirt Dog Series planning meeting is June 15, to review bylaws, scheduling, and marketing. The series will start August 19 with Bake the Lake, with the Ursula Rains Balboa Boogie October 14 and the UCSD meet October 7. The Championship races will be November 11.
  6. Dunn reported that no walkers participated at the Association Championship 5000. John Nunn and Tim Seaman will be competing at the Nationals. He reported that the USA 30 km Race Walk Championship is tentatively set for January 14, 2007 in Chula Vista.
  7. Powell reported on the Association Junior Olympics Track & Field Championships at Hoover High School, which went smoothly. There were some equipment shortages. Prior to the meet 11 new officials were certified.
  8. Mahoney reported that at the Open Association Track & Field Championships, Nadine O'Connor (3.11 meters) and Bud Held (3.00 meters) set world masters age-group records in the pole vault.
  9. Shirley reported that total registration was 1488, up 30 from last year at the same time.
  10. Hunt distributed guidelines for the website. He stated that the bylaws and old minutes need to be restored. When he returns from the National Championships he will take on responsibility for updates and move in a forward direction.
  11. Hunt also distributed guidelines for the Annual Awards Banquet and solicited suggestions from Board members on the guidelines.
  12. The Board named Paul Greer and Jim Skelly as Nominating Committee. The official letter to inform members of the election and the respective nomination submission deadlines will be mailed before July 15.
  13. The Board discussed the possibility of conducting a Level I Coaching Clinic, possibly in January. Nanista will research the subject.
  14. Under Good and Welfare, the President suggested that the Board needed some tighter controls over approving and signing contracts for renting facilities and partnering on meets, so that it was clear what the Association commitments and liabilities are. There should also be a central repository for those contracts. Beltz will draft a proposal.
  15. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

    Lillian Mahoney
    Recording Secretary

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